Sunday, April 30, 2006

Morning routines.....

So, now all my finals are over! All of my finals...sounds like I had alot. I had 2! Not like HIM third year when we had 2 a day for a week! Some of you know what I´m talking about. That was crazy! How did we manage? Thinking about it gives me the chills. Anyways, now it´s all done and this weekend is a big holiday in Sweden. I have no idea what it´s called in English and I have no clue really why we celebrate it either but everyone goes out drinking (it´s supposed to be the students day because they are finished with their finals but everyone here drinks anyways..) So me, Mered, Christian, Patrik, Rosie, Pierre and Larsson are going on a 24 hour cruise tonight the eat and drink and buy taxfree beer. Ha ha ha. ( I´ll post some pictures tomorrow!

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