Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Flu shot day

Good morning world!
I feel so alive today. I know it´s only 6.10 am but I have slept like a baby. I fell asleep in the couch again, like I always do. This time to a REALLY good episode of Criminal Minds so that sucked :=( Probably because I ate too much apple pie ha ha ha.
Yesterday at work me and Urszula decided to get a hold of things ourselfs. At the hotel you don´t really get the help you need so if you want things done well honey, you better do it yourself! So that´s what we did. Many of the rooms needed painting and since we only have about 200 of them we decided that if we wanna be done before Christmas we´d better start cracking. So 10 rooms were done yesterday. Yeay for us!!!
When we finished for the day a doctor came to the hotel to give anyone who wanted a flushoot. I had been going though pros and cons for a long time and didn´t really think much of it until my best friend, Mama, was her during the weekend. Since she works with this everyday and a baby AND a baby in her oven I decided to go for it! And no people, no backlashes. Like I said. I sleept like a baby :=)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Back again!

I know I know, this is the usual melody. I tell you I´ll start writing again, a couple of weeks goes by and then I quit and as usual I will make the very same promise this time :=)
Quick update; got married in May, got a promotion at work in September and I am now working as the Executive Housekeeper at Clarion Collection Hotel Twentyseven in Copenhagen, Denmark. Going on my honeymoon next week to Aruba so I can´t be happier.
This weekend has been , as the Americans say, "awsome". The Törndahls came from Norrköping and stayed the weekend. We haven´t done anything but eat, sleep and talk about old memories. I love them! I just wish we lived closer together. They also got married this year and when Mered and I got Sunday brunch tickets at the Hilton we decided to bring them along with us. So off we went yesterday to this spectacular event. My God, I can just tell you, you have never seen a brunch if you haven´t been to this one!
Soon I am off to spinning at SATS and then to the movies at Entré with Adele and her sister. We are going to have some dinner first and then watch "Fame". I have been wanting to see that movie for soooooo long. And tonights the night!!