do I start? Well, the reason we went to Norway this weekend was because it was my grandmothers 80th birthday (my dads mom) So the whole family, yes THE WHOLE FAMILY went to Norway! We left on Friday morning, well, me and Tessan left then to get a head start on the shopping:) No, Mulle had to work so mom waited for her and since dad works in Norway he was already there. Anyways, me and Tessan left on Friday morning and met dad at the airport and he took all of our bag and then we hit town:) We took the bus in and spent to whole day shopping! It was supposed to be bad weather but the sun was shining and it was about 18 degrees so thanks alot SMHI. Then later on we meet up with mom, dad and Mulle and went for dinner at "Front" at Akker Brygge in Oslo. After that we meet an old friend of my dads from SAS who owns a boat that is docked at Akker Brygge so we took a trip with his boat. It was amazing! We got to see Oslo from the waterside!!! A personal 2 hour boat tour on a Friday night, that´s not bad!!!
Then I meet up with an old friend from HIM in Schwitzerland! Eileen was in autumn batch and now lives in Oslo with her boyfriend (who I didn´t get a chance to meet) but I met alot of her drunk co-workers from the hotel that she works at as a Sales Manager. I miss you Eileen! I´ll see you in a couple of weeks again!!!

On Saturaday the shopping continued and then in the evening we went for dinner with some of my sisters friends from Lyon at "Beach club". The picture is of Mulle and her boyfriend Jeffrey who is such a sweetheart. He lives in Paris at the moment doing his Internship so Mulle unfortunanly has to go there to visit him:)
After dinner we left Norway to go to Sande where my grandmother lives. We spent the night at her old house (she now lives in a new built appartement "down town" ha ha ha) so that she wouldn´t know that we were there! So Sunday morning we went to her appartement and surprised her! She got so happy! I haven´t seen her in about 3 years I think.

So we ate lots and lots of food and CAKE!!! It was sooooo gooood! Wans´t it Tessie;)
and then we took the fllight home........