Been at work since 8.30 this morning. I thought that there would be absolutely no people here today since it was a national holiday here yesterday and today is a so called "klämdag" (squeeze day) which directly means that since it´s only one day between the Holiday and the weekend a lot of people squees in an extra free day and go some where. Me? I have to work. Ofcourse. But Fridays are only half days so we´re only open until 1 pm which is always fantastic.
I´m meeting Tessan for lunch at a new place that has their grand opening today at 12 called "Red Fellas" . It´s a new juice and salad bar here in Malmö that we have been waiting for EVER to open. But now we don´t have to wait no more!!!
Then tonight we´re going to the movies. Either to see 27 dresses or the new Steve Carell movie. We´ll see what we end up with.
Tomorrow is Saturday and me and another girl are doing an event/promotion for the gym so I´ll be busy all day. In the evening there´s a club that we´re probably going to that are playing hip hop and on Sunday I´m helping a friend and her brother to move and then dinner in Lund for some Ethiopian food! Fantastic weekend! Sorry there won´t be any pictures though since Mered took the camera with him to Stockholm.