Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sigtuna weekend

Hey people! Guess what! I´m back on the web blogging again! I know you´ve heard it before. I got a suckerpunch yesterday when I went to see friends that I suck keeping promises about blogging. So now I´m here again, making yet another promise to start blogging. Since I have SUCH an interesting life I mean...ha ha ha.

Anyways, the reason why I started blogging again is because yesterday I made a promise to Mimi and Lina that I would start again. Well, Mimi shouldn´t be talking, just because she JUST started blogging again after....hmmm...let me see.... A YEAR! ha ha ha. No but serioulsy, I love reading about other people and their lives so maby people want to read about mine.....

So I´ll start again. Friday, me Mered and Tessans started our road trip leaving Malmö at 7.40 in the morning. We were supposed to visit Mereds cousine that just had a baby but we found out as we were on our way up that she had a c section,( I have no idea how to spell that but you know what I mean)

She´s isn´t coming home until Sunday night so we won´t be able to see her or the baby. Next time....

We arrived in Märsta at 2 pm and decided to go to Bruno´s for a little tan. There are NO good tanning salons in Malmö. Christian really should start Bruno´s down there to! Then Mered dropped us of at our parents house in Sigtuna before he drove to his parents house.
Dinner with mom and dad and then I was off to Mimi with a bottle of wine. I haven´t seen her since I moved in July so we had alot of catching up to do. When I got there we called Lina over and we all ended up drinking wine a talking old memories. I love meeting my old friends. It´s like I never left. Mimi is getting married on April 10th so next time I see her she´ll be a married woman. Ha ha ha, you house wife you :=)

Today me and Tessan went to Uppsala to meet some of my old classmates. J is pregnant and she looked absolutely FANTASTIC! She´s only gained like 7kg and it´s only on her belly. She still goes to the gym and eats healty. I wanna be like her when I´m pregnant. It was really nice seeing all the girls again. I haven´t seen most of them since I finished school in...I think May! Wow, that long! I promised that it wouldn´t be that long until I would meet them again.

Then we took the train to Stockholm so I could buy hair to make new extentions when I come back to Malmö. Bibbi said she´s gonna do it on me some time next week. Yeay!!!! Coffee at our beloved Espessohouse and then the train back home to Sigtuna again..
At the moment I´m getting my hair done by lovely stylist. Not that I´m doing anything special tonight but she´s practising.....For school that is...

Hope your happy now Mimi and Lina....I promise I´ll blogg again tomorrow:=) Love you both..puss puss

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Visst är jag glad! Men blir ju så ledsen när jag kommer på att du har åkt och åter igen är 60mil ifrån mig!!! Måste åka ner snart, saknar ju dig helt galet mycket. Ringer dig i veckan,

Love you!!!!

Puss puss Mimi