Good morning ya´ll (with a Britney accent)
This weekend has been one of the most relaxing once in a loooong time.
Friday night was spent with Selma at home eating pizza, sharing a bottle of Rioja and a looot of talking. One of the best nights in a long time. Yesterday was Saturday and my work weekend. It wasn´t too bad, plus I got to see my sweet friends Viktoria, Salem and Linda so it was all good. Walking home from work I crossed over City Hall square and I don´t think I´ve thought about it that much, this whole MJ thing. Ok, I know he´s a great artist and its sad that he died and ofcourse I like his music
but he´s not a God to me. But walking home yesterday seeing this biiiiig billboard for a movie of a guy that is dead made me think of how huge of an artist he really was.
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