Saturday, April 14, 2007

Weekend and the sun won´t stop shining in Sweden. Life is wonderful!
Yesterday I went to the local pub to see me friend Tessan. We had a couple of drinks and then another of our friends, Baggy came along. He was on his way to his mothers house for dinner but decided to stay and have a beer with us. 10 minutes later, another friend, Christian, showed up. He and Baggy are neighbours and they live on the same street as me.
A couple of drinks later Mered came from worked and joined us. The whole night just came together so nice. I don´t understand why I´m not more spontanious? Just haning with friends, chatting, drinking and enjoying the weather!
This morning wasn´t as nice thoug. ha ha ha. I went to the gym for some dance aerobic and then for a looooong looooong walk in the sunshine. It´s gotta be like 1 million degrees outside!
2 more hours and I have to go to work!!!!


Unknown said...

halloj dear friend!!
underbart i fredags.. som du skriver.. varför är man inte spontan mer ofta.. man e förbekväm helt enkelt. men lika väl som att sitta i soffan kan man ju sitta på en uteservering med en bira i handen.. nu får vi skärpa till oss o bli mer spontana!!
puss på dej snäckan.

Unknown said...

halloj.. synd om onsdagen, men vi kanske kan ses på fredag istället som du sa, ska kolla upp, men det är nog inga probs.
