Well, I´ve realized something. This is a weekend blogg and not a daily blogg. But it´s not that strange though since my life seems to take place only during the weekend when I don´t work. It sucks but I guess that´s the way life is when you get old:=)
This weekend I went back home to Sigtuna beacuse one of my oldest and best friends is running away to get married in April so I got an e-mail from Lina describing the evil plan of the bachlorette party! Not even a party A WEEKEND!
So I flew up from Copenhagen on Thursday night to Stockholm to stay at my parents house. On Friday morning it was D day and I met up with Lina, Moa, Ellen and Mimi´s (the Bride to be)mom waiting for the last girl to arrive, Emma.

When Emma arrived she had to play a fake bride in the kidnapping of Mimi to throw her of track.
The kidnapping went, well not as planned, but we finally got Mimi in the car and drove to Uppsala to start the day of with 3 kamp. Mimi got to choose 3 different events were we all had to compete against eachother.
First off, Sumo wrestling and I tell you it´s the best thing I have ever done in my entire life. I ha so much fun. Each contestant had to get into a "sumo-suit" and wrestle 3 rounds.

Me and Mimi went first.
So very sexy
Second event was singstar were everyone sings kareokee but my pictures didn´t turn out that good so instead here you see Mimi in our third event, Segway, where you stand on this little mobil thing on 2 wheel and by leaning forward or back you get the machine to go where "you want it to go".

We al did so well we got diplomas!

Then we went to a SPA and since we are all so hot I didn´t want to put up pictures of us in bikins because I would probably have to close down the blogg :=)
When Emma arrived she had to play a fake bride in the kidnapping of Mimi to throw her of track.
Me and Mimi went first.
We al did so well we got diplomas!
Then we went to a SPA and since we are all so hot I didn´t want to put up pictures of us in bikins because I would probably have to close down the blogg :=)
After the SPA we went to Lina´s parents house to have dinner. Picture of Emma above is NOT of her cooking, just posing. :=)
Lojs showed up with a big smile :=)
Last surprise was my sister that also came up for the weekend to do a make over on Mimi. Nice make-up and hair and she was ready for the night.

After just alittle bit of wine me and Ellen was happy. Mind you this is like our 7th pitcture trying to look normal
During dinner there was a LOUD bang on the door and when Lina opend it there was a youg boy standing outside wanting to talk to Mimi. He handed her a written note saying that she had to be at special place in down town Sigtuna at 21.58 SHARP, and a plastic bag which she was NOT allowed to open until 22.00. After a couple of calls we found out that it was 2 girls that couldn´t make it during the day that decided to throw Mimi a second bachlorette party. It was awsome!
When we came down to "Rådhusplatsen" we noticed a window was open ontop one of the restaurants and as the clock stikes 22.00 and Mimi opend the bag a little tiny red light stared blinking from the window. CAMERA! So funny! She had to sing a song and then go into the restaurant "Farbror Blå" to look for further clues inside the restaurant.
One of the clues was to ask a man to dance and lucky Mimi she found one of her friends there.

After more clues we finally had to go outside to fins out who was the mystery party planner and found Anna and Lisa sitting on the porch to Rådhuset with champagne!
After just alittle bit of wine me and Ellen was happy. Mind you this is like our 7th pitcture trying to look normal
During dinner there was a LOUD bang on the door and when Lina opend it there was a youg boy standing outside wanting to talk to Mimi. He handed her a written note saying that she had to be at special place in down town Sigtuna at 21.58 SHARP, and a plastic bag which she was NOT allowed to open until 22.00. After a couple of calls we found out that it was 2 girls that couldn´t make it during the day that decided to throw Mimi a second bachlorette party. It was awsome!
One of the clues was to ask a man to dance and lucky Mimi she found one of her friends there.