Sunday turned out to be a fab day so far. Went to the gym and then I went to see my sissi at work. She´s flying home to Stockholm tonight for a job interview on Tuesday. I´m gonna miss her very very very very much when she leaves. When we come back from Florida in June she won´t be here no more. Sissi sad......:=(
Heres a picture of one of the world best sissis (the other one is in N.Y)
Here´s me faffing around......:=)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Sunday = funday. NOT
Yet another week has come to its end...Didn´t do much this weekend. We were supposed to go out on Friday but due to a minor issue called CSN and a faktura of 7,500 kronor I decided to stay at home and wait for Wednesday to come. suck.
Instead I stayed home with my darling boyfriend and watched tv. Went to bed early and depressed of beeing poor.
Yesterday we had a pancake breakfast, me and Tessie, since Mered was working. After faffering around the house all morning we decided to meet Stina for ice cream and a friend of hers, Elin, came to join us. Fantastic weather! I love Malmö when the weathers like this. I probably love all places as long as there is sun. I can´t stand winter. Why do I live here? When I was in HIM I rememberd all of us saying that we would NEVER go back to our home countries after we were finished. My God, what happend!? Well, not all of us went home. Found an old friend on MSN yesterday, Dito. He´s from Indonesia and he´s living well in Dubai at the moment. So not all of us went home.
Today is Saturday and I just had breakfast. Now I´m off to the gym for some functional training, then meet my sister. Then yoga, dinner. SLEEEEEP . Weather sucks today so its nothing really to put in the christmas tree if you know what I mean :=)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Sunshine Thursday
What a fantastic day!
Woke up at 10.30am with the sun in my eyes. Had some breakfast with my sissi, watched Oprah and then decided to go for a walk. Dind´t get very far before we realized we were hungry and went to one of our favourite places to eat called "bakom muggen". It´s a small place that serves lunch, coffe, cookies etc. We had a salad and chatted. Then we took a stroll in the sun, bought a fantastic ice cream and sat by the canal and enjoyed the sunshine!
Started to work at 4pm and is at the moment NOT too keen on going home since Djurgården is playing again AIK on the tv. (for those of you that are not swedish, I don´t have to explain more than that they are 2 soccer teams) so we have an agreement. Mered has the until 9pm on the condition that he fixes dinner!!! yeay for girl power. hi hi hi!!!
Tomorrow I´m working half day and then it´s party at Buddha Bar! Yeay! I´m planing on staying in bed all Saturday hungover eating pizza and waiting for one of my best friends to call me from Canada! Yeay!
can´t wait
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Mid week report
Wednesday and I´m blogging! Can you believe it? No, me neither. Well, I´m at work and we´re just about to close. I never blogg on work hours but it´s been very quiet here today and I´m going to spinning in a couple of minutes and realized that I haven´t been writing anything in a while I am!!
Not that anything happend though. What have I been up to? Well on Monday me and Tessan went to Bibbi´s school to get our hair done. I´m in preparation state for the 9th when I´m sitting model for Bibbi´s exam. She´s gonna cut my hair and make it even lighter than what I am now! I know what you are thinking, are you gonna let a student cut you´re hair?!! are you M.A.D? Wellm maby, but it´s just hair. It´s gonna grow out sooner or later so we´ll see what I´ll look like after that :=)
Time flies, gotta go to spinning now. I´m off tomorrow morning and me and Tessie are going for a walk so I´ll try and take some pictures to put up.
puss puss.....
Friday, April 11, 2008
mommy week
this week my mom has been visiting due to my sisters exam in school. she was gonna be her model for 1930s hair on thursday night so she came down the day before to spend some money on her lovely daughters :=)
first stop was lunch at our favourite place "Njutbar" where they have the most amazing salads!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
fixing day
Sunday turned out to be a fixing day. Started out with me HELPING Mered to change the tired to the car. Yes people, I helped! I helped rolling the tires from our storage to the parking, then I cleaned the inside of the car and the.....I spent the rest of the time on the phone....:=) well what do you expect, I do have a manicure you know. He thoght I did a good job as his side-kick...
This is the same location at I took a photo only weeks ago when it was snowing. Now the park was full of purple flowers!

Then we went around what felt like the intire town of Malmö to find furiture for our balcony. Eded up buying flowers instead!
4 year anniversary
Ladies, take a good long look at this man. I just want you to know that he is taken! He´s all mine! He´s the most fantastic boyfriend anyone can ask for. All you guys out there, you could really learn something from this man.
On Thursday we celebrated our 4 year anniversary and ofcours I kind of forgot about it :=( But he sure didn´t. I got woken up at 7 am by him and my sister entering the room declaring that I´m not going to work today! For all of you that knows me and know what a horrible organizing peronality I have that HATE not being in control, stared to run a loooong list in my head of things that I had to fix if I wan´t going to work. Turned out they had called Linda and gotten her to work for the day!
So I got up and me had bought fresh bread, orange juice and we had a loooong nice breakfast together.Then he told me to get dressed and then he swooped me away in the car and didn´t tell me where we were going.
After about 50 minutes in the car we ended up in Ystad which is a small town that reminds alot of Sigtuna where I´m from. They have a very known Spa called "Ystad Saltsjöbad" and he (with a little help of Tessie) ha made arrangements for the whole day with treatments! It was fantastic!
Ystad is on the other side of Sweden then Malmö and also by the water
We arrived at the SPA at 10am and when we were finished and in the car again it was 4.30pm! We didn´t want to go home to we parked the car down town and strolled though the city and ended up with me buying Mered a watch for our anniversary. Since I forgot...... :=(
On our way back to the car we found a really cute little coffeeshop where it looked like the owner himself was cleaning the tables on the outside. We decided to have a fika and relax and just enjoy the rest of the day. Thank you baby! I had a fantastic day!
On our way back to the car we found a really cute little coffeeshop where it looked like the owner himself was cleaning the tables on the outside. We decided to have a fika and relax and just enjoy the rest of the day. Thank you baby! I had a fantastic day!
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