Friday, December 19, 2008

My weekend

i know, I know, it hasn´t really been weekend but I´ve been off for 2 days so it feels like it´s been weekend.
Yesterday was so much fun! I meet Bibbi & Caolina at Triangeln and we started our day shopping for Christmas gifts. On the 23, called "lill julafton" in Sweden we are all going to Helsingborg to Carolinas family. On the 24th which is the day that all swedes celebrates Christmas we´re all going to Lund to celebrate with Bibbis family. For those of you that doesn´t know, Bibbi is Mereds cousine.
After shopping, Bibbi and I went for a late lunch at "Chili" and shared a bottle of wine. We got sp tipsy that we didn´t know if we were gonna be able to get more alcohol at "systembolaget". But we did. Yeay!
Then I went home, took a shower and back to Bibbis appartement for some more wine, Carolina came over and the three of us went to Volym, a bar which had a club called Original bangarang. Fantastic music, good drinks and some more of our friends, Shemina, Selma and 2 other girls.
So today I have done nothing but sleep, eat pizza and eat candy. Gotta go now, CSI starts again!
puss puss...

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