sissi left......bookie sad...... |
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
In a way I´m glad my sister is leaving tomorrow cuz I don´t party as much as I do when she´s at home. YOU´RE A BAD INFLUENSE!!! Yesterday me, Tessan and Niklas went to Jonathans appartement for a drink before taking a taxi in to Old Town in Stockholm to "Sally´s" for dinner. Such good food!!! such good Applemartinis AND Lavazza coffee!!! Then we went to meet up with Linda and her boyfriend (I think his name is Marcus?) at "Ljungbergs" for more drinks. Bar was so nice, good music, big soft couches and HORRIBLE drinks!!! We must have had about 8 differents drinks and they were all disgusting!!! Even the strawberry daquairy! How can you possibly mess that up? On our way out I meet Kattis and Jonas that I used to work with at the Palace. I haven´t seen them in months so that was fun. Then we continued to "Snaps" and in the basement they had a really good club and by this time we were all so drunk that I don´t I´ve ever danced so much in my life. By three the club closed so we all went to McD for food and then took a cab home. I didn´t get to sleep until nearly 6am beacuse of my sweet boyfriends snooooring. Thanks alot! |
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Yesterday, me, Tessan, Mered, Jonathan and Niklas went for dinner at Niklas restaurant "Blå", down in Sigtuna. The food was soooo gooood. and what did we have to drink with it.....Applemartinis, ofcourse!!! After alot of chatting about standup comedy, movies and music we decided to go out. It was a really nice evening. |
Friday, November 17, 2006

Good morning! Yesterday me and my sister went to the Roots concert in Stockholm at it was so cool! The music was great! I love seeing a band live and theese guys were so great on stage. After the show the singer, "Black Thought" came down and I got a picture with him. Mostly to make my boyfriend jeleous. Ha ha ha ha. |
Sunday, November 05, 2006
B day party!!!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006

Las nitght I went with my sister and some of her friends to Uppsala for dinner and drinks. First we went to a guy called Fredrik C. appartement to chek it out. He used to live in Sigtuna were we´re from but now he studies in Uppsala, like me! Then we went to an Italian restaurant called Il Forno to eat. And let me tell you it was so gooooooood!!!! Pizza and Cosmo´s are the best! Then we went to "Uppenbar" for some Applemartinis and then to "Rådhuset" for some cocktails...then my oh so nice boyfriend came and picked me up!!!! |
Thursday, October 26, 2006
I´m so booooooored!
This week everyday has been the same......sleeping, eating, going to the gym and studying. Major exam next Fridag....Health Economics. But on Friday we´re going for dinner in Uppsala and then going out so atleast I have someting to look forward too. I was gonna go to Norway today to see my grandmother and Eileen (a friend from Switzerland) but my plan didn´t quite work out so I´m going the first week-end of December instead.... Back to studying..... |
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Saturaday was my sisters B day but since she was on a flight home from Dubai we decided to make her dinner on Sunday night befor dad had to fly to Norway. Dinner was soooo nice. My mom mad lamb with potatoe gratäng ( in English.....? anyone...?) and for dessert she had bought this really nice cheese cake from RC in Sigtuna. We where thinking of you Molli........ |
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Weekend update

This has been one of the best weekends in a looong looong time. Who would have known that Friday the 13th would turn out to be my lucky day! The whole day was perfect, from the gym at 7 am to going home from the club at 4 am. Yesterday I didn´t do much.Me and Mered went to McDonald´s and then home to watch tv and chill. Today I went to they gym and soon I´m going to my parents house for dinner. My sister came home from Dubai this morning and it was her B day yesterday so we´re gonna eat cake!!! Yeay!!! |
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
I´m telling you again people, it´s Monday tomorrow! How can this be....? This weekend went by so fast. Friday I worked at Steninge Palace (my old job) for a huge event. It´s a company that every year has their annually party at the Palace and they eat and get drunk. Same this year. I left at midnight and some of my co-workers were still there cleaning when I left. I had to drive somwone to the train so I got to go earlier! Thank you Lord.... Saturday my sister and mom came by after I accidentally told them I tried to bake. TRIED to bake people. I made banana muffins and let me just say they looked NOTHING like muffins. That´s all I have to say. Then me and Tessan were supposed to go into Stockholm to go for dinner with our cousines, Theo and Margaux, but Tessan didn´t feel well so we decided to stay home, watch movies and eat pizza and looooots of candy. School tomorrow. Now we´re starting a course in health ecenomics....this should be interesting... |
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
yesterday morning me and Maraijah started our new life. One of the guys from our class, Daniel, has become our personal trainer and has set up a program for the two of us that we´re going to follow. Yesterday we started weightlifting, is it called that in English? Not sure. Anyways, and today I can´t but my bra on so I hope that´s a good sign. Ha ha, gonna get inshape for summer 2007. No more "Vass" ha ha ha ha Gonna go in to Stockholm now with my sister to do some shopping and then spinning tonight. |
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Is it really possible? How the hell can it be Monday again tomorrow? It was Monday just yesterday, wasn´t it? I don´t know where the days go and I don´t understand what I´m doing with them.... Conclusion; I don´t like Sunday evenings..... This weekend went really fast. Maby because Tessan is home. Friday, what did we do Friday? Oh yea, I was in school first and got my diploma for the "Hälsoprofilsbedömnings" course I finished, then I took the train home and mom and Tessan picked my up at the trainstation and we went to Kista Gallerian which is a big mall about a 30 minute drive from us. Tessan doesn´t have anything to wear (girls thing huh?) but hey, she lived on a ship for the past six months wearing uniform so I understand. But she didn´t find anything. Then we had a family dinner at our parents house, Saturday we went to the gym. Tessan and mom went to Pilates and I went to spinning and in the evening we went to our cousins house for dinner, Margaux turns 16 ( tomorrow) and it felt like "the Swedish anorexia club" had their annual meeting. My God, it is possible to be that skinny? None of them ate anything but when it was time for cake they all eat.....and went to the bathroom. Anyways, today I forced my family (moahahahahah) to school so I could try my new skills in healh "terror". ha ha ha. but I think they liked it. Then we went for lunch at Un!co and after coffee at my friends Marias café. Now I´m at home waiting for CSI to start and to wake up to a beautiful Monday morning. MOAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! |
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
So, back to the course, in english we become kind of "certified health profilers" ha ham I´m getting so bad at enlish. Ha ha, remeber people that this is my own translation. But basically what we do is have an interview with a client, takes different tests such as; weight, height, bone weight, fat % and blood preasure. After the interview we do different types of test to see the clients physical status, either on a step board, running or on a ergonimic bicycle.
So after this week we are certified "hälsoprofilsbedömare" or "health profiler" ha ha ha, I crack myself up.
Tessan comes home on Thursday and I´m going on a booze cruise with the class on the 5th of October. Then I´ll show you pictures.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
This week we stared training management in school and man is that fun! for two days now we have done nothing but exercise! We learn how to do exerciseing tests on eachother in order to do this on our clients in the future. It´s so cool. I feel so professional! Yesterday we had classes in fysiology and ran 3km. Today we did other test such as; Coopers test (3000 meters), step test and many more that I can´t evern remember the name of.
exam on Friday!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Are pople happy now?
This week I haven´t done that much. We´ve had a 2 week course in stress and on Wednesday we had our presentations which went really well. Our teacher was verry happy.
Friday night I went to Veronicas house for a cocktailparty. Emma and Tessa had their B days this week so we drank about a million of Cosmos and Appletinis.
Woke up Saturday morning (yesterday) sick so I stayed infront of the tv ALL DAY!!! watching the fifth season of "Americas next top model". Ha ha, I´m s sad.
Today i a really nice weather and Im still feeling half crappy so i´m staying in front of the tv today aswell. School tomorrow and exam on Friday.....
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Molli´s list
- Bar & Bistro, Comfort Hotel, Arlandastad
- Restaurg anvarig på Steninge Slott
- Receptionist, Hotel Royal Woods, Australien
- Servitris ( Hotel Beau-Rivage, Genevé
2) Fyra filmer jag kan se om och om igen:
- Reindeer games
- Comedy Central Episodes ( ok, no movie, but hey...)
- Clueless
- Den sista samurajen
3) Fyra städer jag har bott i:
- Oslo, Norway
- Montreux, Switzerland
- Genevé, Switzerland
- Surfers Paradise, Australien
4) Fyra tv-serier jag gärna ser:
Prison Break
Desperate Housewives
5) Fyra ställen jag vill åka till:
- Venezuela ( hi Gizzy)
- Syd Afrika
- Etiopien
- Las Vegas
6) Fyra webbsidor jag besöker dagligen:
7) Fyra favoriträtter:
- Maroccans kycling
- sallad från 018
- Halloumi grytan
8) Fyra ställen där jag trivs:
- Hemma med min Mööör
- Hos mamma och pappa i Sigtuna (without granny)
- anywhere with my sisis
- i min säng
Are you happy now little Molli?
Friday, July 21, 2006
Friday, July 07, 2006
On Monday my sister Tessans ship ( Ociania, Regatta) docked in Stockholm for 3 days. So on Monday night in took the train in to Stockholm to meet her and some other crew member to go out and party. We stared the night at the Ice bar which is just what it sounds like. A bar fully made out of ice in the middle of Stockholm. For us Swedes it is madness to go in to a bar where you have to wear a jacket at minus 10 degrees in the middle of summer but hey, what don´t you do for tourists. Ha ha ha ha. Anyways, then we went to Café Opera which is a Bar/restaurant that has existet for years and years in Stockholm. My mom even worked there when she was younger. We had so much fun! So much alchol.....
The next day me, Mered and my parents went to Stockholm and got a visitors pass to go on the ship and let me tell you, oh my God it was nice. I wanna live on a boat!! I didn´t take any pictures but my sister did so I´ll post them as soon as I get them. Now I have to go to work. Yippi!! And it 10 am and about 28 degrees!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Touris in Stockholm
Yesterday me and Tessan E. went for a tour of Stockholm. The weather was ok yesterday, no rain but light clouds, just enough for the sun to peek trough so we decided to take a sightseeing boattour of Stockholm. It was really nice! Then we decided to hop of at Djurgården where one of Sweden´s amusementparks are located, called Gröna Lund. So we bought a pass and went on the rollercoaster 4 times! ha ha ha, then we got tired and went home. Talk about getting old hey? ha ha ha
Thanks to Gunnar ( Lena´s husband) that sent the picuters from our last day with the class down at the waterski club two weeks ago!

Emelie Sandra Me
Friday, June 23, 2006
26 and going down
Sunday, May 14, 2006
My sister Mulle is home in Sigtuna at the moment. She´s leaving on Thursday for Dubai where she´s going to do her Internship for the next 7 months. and tomorrow it´s my dad´s and uncles B-day but since my dad is out working, me and Mulle decided to make our uncle, Paul, dinner tomorrow night. Gotta go now...gonna go have pizza and then it´s "One Tree Hill" Yeay!!!!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

So, today is Tuesday and we came back from the cruise yesterday. My God there was alot of people! I´ve never seen anyting like it! For those of you that don´t know what this cruise thing is let me fill you in:
Once a year one of Swedens radiostations puts together a big party on one of the cruise lines that goes between Sweden and Findland. You check in at 4 pm and 24 hours later, after a wet night at sea, you check out. Basically the only thing you do on the cruise is to party. And that´s what we did! But the weather could have been nicer though. Man, the people went from one side to another all night. At some points you couldn´t even walk straight. But we had fun though.

Now it´s back to school for another 2 weeks and then Internship!!!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Morning routines.....

So, now all my finals are over! All of my finals...sounds like I had alot. I had 2! Not like HIM third year when we had 2 a day for a week! Some of you know what I´m talking about. That was crazy! How did we manage? Thinking about it gives me the chills. Anyways, now it´s all done and this weekend is a big holiday in Sweden. I have no idea what it´s called in English and I have no clue really why we celebrate it either but everyone goes out drinking (it´s supposed to be the students day because they are finished with their finals but everyone here drinks anyways..) So me, Mered, Christian, Patrik, Rosie, Pierre and Larsson are going on a 24 hour cruise tonight the eat and drink and buy taxfree beer. Ha ha ha. ( I´ll post some pictures tomorrow!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Anyways, to make a long story short, the man told be he would put me on the next flight that left at 20.00. IT WAS 11.45 at this point!!!! So I sat down at the gate and called my dad. While I was on the phone the staff started waving their arms at me! Turns out that the check in counter made a misstake and they had a seat available and I was the only stand by passanger that was still at the gate! Everyone else had left! so I got the seat! And because we were waiting for "the missing woman" the flight was deleyed so by the time we got to Copenhagen I hade to run to the next flight, It´s gonna be awhile before I travel standby again!
Friday, April 14, 2006

hey people
so I finally arrived in Montreux and Dianna was in class so had to wait for her....boooring! Then we just had a nice evening, Dinner at one of our favourite restaurants, la Rouvenaz, and then went home to sleep. Both of us had an hectic week in school and had been up early so we decided to call it a night.
This morning we were up by the crack of dawn and had breakfast and took the bus to Vevey to have a Starbucks!!! yeay for Starbucks! We went for a walk and we found a carouselle but it was for kids so I could only pat the donkey. ha ha ha
Took the bus back to Montrex and had lunch at Babette's and then a drink at the Cabarete where I got birdie poop all over my pants! ha ha. Now we're going back to the hotel to have a nap before we go out!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Oh my God, I can´t believe it. I´m going to Switzerland tomorrow to see Dianna. I haven´t seen her since Australia 2004! But tomorrow, Thursday I´m finally going and I´m staying until Sunday. Yeay! Tessan called today! On Saturday she´s flying to the States to start working on her fourth ship ( I think). This time she got the Seabourne, Legend which is currently cruising the Caribean and during the summer and winter is in Europe so I guess I´ll get to see more of her this year! |
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Well, today is Sunday and the sun is shining and spring might acctually be here! Last night I went to Uppsala to a friends class. We were about 7 girls from the class that went to Sandra´s house to watch a movie and eat a lot of crap, like pizza and candy....etc... We ended up not watchin the whole movie cuz we were talking to much,,,,ha ha. In about an hour I´m going to the gym for a dance aerobic class and then I have laundry Tonight is One Tree Hill!!! yeay!!! |
Friday, April 07, 2006
Yesterday, Thursday, me and my class went to Stockholm to the radio and tv house of Sweden to visit their health care departement. It was so boooring I could have killed myself. Whay did we go? After the presentation we went to their gym and everyone could choose if we wanted to go for half an hour of spinning or an hour of power yoga. I went for the yoga class and that one sucked aswell! Today we were off so I went to the gym and then for some grocery shopping. Now I´m off to see my friend Tessa for dinner and then we´re going in to Stockholm to meet Kattis and Veronica and go party!! Yeay for Friday´s! |